April 29, 2024
Carbide inserts are an essential part of any machine shop operation, as they provide superior cutting performance and durability compared to conventional cutting tools. However, these inserts come at a cost, and it is important to factor in the long-term maintenance costs associated with carbide inserts when assessing their value. By doing so, you can ensure that you are getting the best possible deal for your purchase.
The first factor to consider is the initial cost of the carbide inserts. This should include not only the price of the inserts themselves, but also any additional Milling inserts costs such as shipping and handling. The cost of the inserts can vary significantly depending on the type of material being cut and the type of insert required, so it is important to compare prices from different suppliers before making a purchase.
The second cost to consider is the ongoing maintenance costs associated with carbide inserts. These include sharpening or replacement of the inserts as they become worn out, as well as regular cleaning and lubrication to keep the inserts in optimal condition. These costs can add up quickly over time, so it is important to factor them into the overall price of the inserts.
Finally, it is important to consider the long-term cost savings associated with carbide inserts. They are designed to last longer than other cutting tools, so they can reduce the need for frequent sharpening and replacement. This can result in significant cost savings over time, so it is important to factor this into the overall price of the inserts.
By considering the initial cost, the long-term maintenance costs, and the potential bar peeling inserts long-term cost savings associated with carbide inserts, you can ensure that you are getting the best possible deal for your purchase. This will help you to maximize the value of your investment and ensure that you are getting the most out of your tools.
The Cemented Carbide Blog: https://rockdrillbits.hatenablog.com/
Posted by: leanderfit at
03:06 AM
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April 26, 2024
Posted by: leanderfit at
07:05 AM
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April 22, 2024
YG-1 says the coating advances and optimized designs of its i-One system of exchangeable micro-grain carbide drill inserts and premium tool steel holders with coolant channels improve tool life and changeover speed.
"Our new i-One line offers the advantage of a solid carbide drill combined with the flexibility of steel bodies,” says Steve Pilger, YG-1’s Holemaking product manager. "i-One micro-grain carbide inserts combine a new, multilayered H-coating and optimized cutting angles with tool steel holders with Torx Plus clamping stability.
"With those and other advanced features, i-ONE drills last longer than competitors’ products,” he continues. "And when you finally need to change inserts, we engineered Shoulder Milling Inserts the i-ONE interface for foolproof and worry-free insert changeovers.”
i-One drill inserts feature micro-grain carbide cores to improve strength, an advanced multilayered H-coating that achieves what the company says is excellent hot hardness and minimal wear, ground negative land on the cutting edge for extended cutting life and point geometry optimized for centering and smoother cutting.
The system’s nickel-plated tool steel holder is optimized to resist corrosion and wear while ensuring body clearance. Other features include a flute shape optimized for smooth chip evacuation, a Torx Plus Screw for reliable insert seating and stability at the full range of speeds and coolant holes to assist in dissipating heat and evacuating chips from the cutting zone.
YG-1’s i-ONE CCGT Insert drills come in various insert sizes from 0.393” to 1.328” (10 to 33.73 mm), and the tool steel holders are available at depths 3, 5 and 8 times the diameter.
The Cemented Carbide Blog: THREADING INSERTS
Posted by: leanderfit at
01:48 AM
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April 19, 2024
Posted by: leanderfit at
06:34 AM
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April 16, 2024
April 1999 It’s not hard to understand why insert buyers are confused. They may be thinking they are simply buying a box of pressed carbide chips, and how hard can that be?
But, as Karl Katbi, director of global R&D for WidiaValenite Inc., Madison Heights, MI, says, they are really buying a complete system. Each of the insert’s features, including its substrate material and coating, its chipbreaker, its shape, and its edge preparation, was chosen from a host of possibilities to perform in a certain way in concert with all the other features.
Selecting the right tool is easier now with systems that Carbide Threading Inserts lead the user step by step to the insert designed for the job.
The number of different inserts available from a toolmaker is equal to the product of all the variations offered for each feature. Thus, if a toolmaker offers 10 grades, 12 chipbreakers, five nose radii, and six shapes, the total number of products in its line will be 10x12x5x6, or 3600 inserts. And this is a simplified example.
In reality, there are a number of other features that could be thrown into the mix to multiply the number of possibilities well into five digits. When the number of possibilities rises to this level, selecting the best combination becomes more a matter of luck than skill.
In recent years, toolmakers have tried to even the odds by introducing tool-selection systems that increase users’ chances of finding the right CNC Carbide Inserts insert for the job. These systems lead users through the selection process step by step, helping them use what they already know about the application—such as the workpiece material, the type of operation, and the depth of cut (DOC)—to methodically find their way to the one insert that will provide the best performance. These systems break down the toolmakers’ insert lines into smaller groups, so that the user is no longer choosing an insert from thousands of possibilities but from just those that were designed for a certain class of materials or a certain type of operation.
Often these smaller groups are arranged in a matrix. Users follow along the row that corresponds to some attribute of the job, typically the workpiece material, until they reach the column that corresponds to another job attribute, typically the type of operation. The insert grade and chipbreaker to use for the job will be listed where the row and column meet.
Toolmakers have simplified the process even further by adding color codings and symbols to identify the subgroups into which they’ve divided their product lines. The markings are a visual aid to help users find the right section of the selection guide and, when printed on labels or embossed on the inserts themselves, they help users quickly identify the tools in their inventory.
Like any technical system with a simple user interface, the selection systems hide a significant amount of development work behind their easy-to-understand facades. To group tools into categories that make sense to users, toolmakers have had to carefully examine how cutting tools are used and determine which factors have the greatest influence on tool selection. Once the categories have been established, the next step is to laboriously test each workpiece material and tool to determine which category it fits into.
The Material World
Most selection guides group insert grades by the materials they are designed to cut. At first glance, these designations seem to follow the categories established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Like ISO, the toolmakers divide their products into inserts for steels, stainless steels, and cast irons. Most selection systems even use the same color and letter codes to identify these categories: blue and the letter P for steel, yellow and M for stainless steel, and red and K for cast iron. But the criteria that toolmakers have used to determine the scope of each category differ from ISO’s criteria.
ISO’s groupings were based on the type of chip that was produced when the material was machined. This criterion led the organization to include tools for nonferrous materials, such as aluminum, with the cast irons. "We decided to extend our selection system to six material groups based on what happens to the insert and what cutting tool materials are used to machine these materials,” says Terry Ashley, product manager for carbide turning inserts at Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, PA. Using these criteria, it doesn’t make sense to group aluminums with cast irons, Ashley says, because the predominant tool material for cutting aluminum is polycrystalline diamond, not carbide. To group tools according to the way they are actually used, Kennametal has established distinct categories for hardened steels and irons, nonferrous materials, and heat-resistant alloys.
According to Alan Godfrey, vice president of marketing for Sandvik Coromant Co., Fair Lawn, NJ, his company believes that shops machining niche materials such as high-temperature alloys have little in common with shops machining more conventional materials. Therefore, Sandvik would prefer to develop specialized selection guides for these users rather than include these materials in one of its standard guides.
A fair amount of research was necessary to determine which workpiece materials and tool grades should be grouped together. "We’re machining 180 tons of chips a year in development,” says Godfrey. As they observe the results of these tests, the toolmakers use tool life as their principle measure of success. Ashley says Kennametal’s tool designers use the customer’s expectations for tools in a particular material as their benchmark. When the company says this is the tool to use, it means that it will offer the expected tool life. Godfrey says Sandvik’s target is 15 minutes of tool life, but performance in terms of speed and feed rate is also a key criterion.
The toolmakers also rely on field reports to pinpoint the tool materials and chipbreakers that work and to determine where the boundaries between categories lie. For instance, by noting the increases in feed rate or workpiece hardness that prompt users to change tool materials or geometry, the toolmakers can learn where roughing stops and semiroughing begins or where inserts for a particular type of steel belong on the selection matrix.
Within each workpiece category, the toolmakers have subdivided their products by chipbreaker, grouping them according to application. The standard categories are roughing, semiroughing, and finishing. These three chipbreaker categories, crossed with the three grades for various workpiece materials, form the basis for the Secolor 353 selection matrix developed by Carboloy Inc., Warren, MI (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Carboloy's Secolor selection system groups its three grades and three chipbreakers into a nine-cell grid.
Sandvik has tried to make the selection process more precise by adding another three categories that correspond to the difficulty of the job, creating, in effect, a 3x3x3 matrix. Its guide uses the workpiece material to determine the tool material needed. The insert geometry is still determined by the type of operation, and the insert grade is determined by whether the application conditions—such as the presence of interruptions and forging scale and machining speed—are good, average, or difficult.
Middle-of-the-Road Selections
Equipped with the grade and chipbreaker needed, the user is ready to dive into the toolmaker’s catalog to find the insert with the right shape for the job. The selection guides carry their color-coding scheme throughout. This allows users with cast-iron workpieces, for instance, to limit their search for the right insert to those pages in the guide with a red color scheme. Robert Goulding, Carboloy’s stationary-tooling manager, says the recommended cutting data that his company’s guide supplies gives users a safe starting point. "We’re saying, ‘Mr. Customer, if you choose this operation and this insert, you will get a reliable solution. You can rely on it to work for you.’”
While these selection systems were designed to present users with safe, reliable, middle-of-the-road choices, none of the toolmakers guarantee that they will locate the optimal tool choice. They do believe their selection processes will satisfy 75% to 80% of their customers. As Godfrey says of Sandvik’s CoroKey system, the selection process was designed "to cover the majority of machining requirements in an average workshop where they’re machining a reasonable range of materials.”
The toolmakers understand that some jobs will warrant the time and expense it takes to fine-tune the operation. For these situations the selection systems offer guides that lead the user further along toward an optimal choice. Goulding says users of Carboloy’s system "come out of the grid into an optimization table.” For example, if the basic recommendation was for an ABC grade with a 123 chipbreaker, but the user wants a little more wear resistance or a little faster machining speed, the optimization guide would recommend an ABC insert with higher hardness. If, on the other hand, the user finds that the steel he’s working with is softer than expected, the guide would suggest an insert with a different chipbreaker than that of the first-choice tool. All of these tools will still fall within the same family of products as the first choice.
Katbi says these selection systems have made it so easy to locate the right tool that optimizing is a relatively simple process. After running some tests to see how the first-choice insert performs and how it fails, the user has the information needed to look up the tool that is specifically tailored to the application. "The selection process will get you 85% to 90% there,” Katbi says. "If you want to go that extra 10% to 15%, there are a couple pages in the catalog that will help you do that.”
A Guide for Toolmakers, Too
For some toolmakers, their selection system isn’t just a convenient way to sort out their current product line. It also provides a road map for future development efforts. Some see their tool matrix as a guide for product consolidation. Their goal is to find inserts that will cover as broad a range of applications as possible. This would simplify the selection process even further by reducing the number of inserts needed to the absolute minimum. Carboloy has been at the forefront of this effort. Goulding says his company’s selection guide started with six grades and 12 chipbreakers. But by developing products that spanned more than one category, the company has been able to reduce its offering to the three grades and three chipbreakers listed in its current selection matrix.
Others have their doubts that broad-range tools can be truly useful. According to Katbi, manufacturing trends actually make it difficult to develop cutting tools that can be used in a wide variety of applications. With automakers and aerospace builders seeking light, high-performance materials with unique properties, the market is demanding more niche tools designed for a select few applications rather than tools that can provide satisfactory performance cutting a variety of conventional materials.
Rather than develop broad-range tools, some toolmakers have used their selection matrix to guide them in the development of tools for particular application conditions. Sandvik is one of the toolmakers moving in this direction. Godfrey says the company has retired most of its older products in favor of inserts developed for specific cells in its matrix. But even so, Sandvik continues to be wary of overwhelming the user with choices. To give users some help in finding improved tools for established applications, the company gives its new tools the same names as the tools they replace. And to help users locate the right tool in their own inventory, Sandvik permanently marks a wealth of data about the tool, including its geometry, nose radius, and grade, directly on the insert. The insert’s identification codes and recommended speed, feed, and DOC also are printed on the box label.
All of the toolmakers say users have welcomed their selection guides with enthusiasm. "One good sign is that we distributed more than 150,000 copies in the last year alone,” says Katbi. The guides also have been embraced by the toolmakers’ in-house sales staff and the tool distributors who carry their products. In the past few years, color-coded selection guides seem to have sprouted up everywhere. While each scheme has its own quirks, all have imposed some sense of order on the insert-selection process.
The Cemented Carbide Blog: https://carbiderods.bcz.com/
Posted by: leanderfit at
05:52 AM
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April 10, 2024
Big Kaiser’s Unilock Stabilizer 50, a modular device for the Uniflex ball system, provides lateral support for tall parts during machining, welding or assembly processes and allows for the transfer of loads to the table or base.
Rather than risking error by moving parts from machine to machine for modification, this stabilizer system can be adjusted to each new part. The system CCGT Insert attaches to the worktable and the side of the workpiece to provide Lathe Carbide Inserts lateral support. As the workpiece gets taller and farther away from the table, the stabilizer helps to offset the cutting forces pushing against it.
The Unilock Stabilizer system also can be used for mobile parts with odd shapes and sizes. The system stacks and uses a variety of gripping forms for versatility.
The Cemented Carbide Blog: carbide turning Inserts
Posted by: leanderfit at
07:51 AM
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Posted by: leanderfit at
07:38 AM
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April 08, 2024
Tungaloy has updated its ModuMiniTurn modular turning-tool system for Swiss machines by adding 30 new, round-shank toolholders that are suitable for machining the back side of the parts in the subspindle.
The ModuMiniTurn modular turning tool system incorporates a specialized coupling mechanism between Tungsten Carbide Inserts the modular head and tool shank, which reportedly achieves repeatability accuracy within the 5-μm range and minimizes downtime during tooling changeovers. The system offers standard modular heads for a range of applications, including forward turning, back turning, grooving, Surface Milling Inserts thread turning, parting and productive Y-axis turning.
The new round shank toolholders are designed to fit the cylindrical-shank toolholders in most Swiss-type lathes. Similar to existing ModuMiniTurn square-shank toolholders, the new round-shank toolholders also feature highly repeatable accuracy, reducing downtime.
The modular heads for the round-shank toolholders have a QR12 coupling connection and are available for forward turning, grooving and thread-turning applications. The forward-turning modular heads come in three standard cutting-angle styles: L for 95 degrees, U for 93 degrees and Q for 107.5 degrees, enabling operators to select optimal cutting angles for operations by swapping the modular cutting heads for the inserts.
The shank diameters are available in 16 mm (0.630″), 19.05 mm (0.75″) and 20 mm (0.787″).
The Cemented Carbide Blog: grooving Insert
Posted by: leanderfit at
06:38 AM
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April 02, 2024
When it comes to manufacturing, design is one of the most essential elements that have to be considered in order to get the best products free from the defects. While hiring Cutting Tool Inserts the plastic injection molding service, if the following measures are taken care of, there can be no or minimum defects and that can enhance the productivity of the brand. Here we will discuss the various mistakes and how to avoid them in order to have the error-free designs of the plastic injection molding service. Scroll down to get the details of the common mistakes that you must avoid while hiring the plastic injection molding service:
The thickness of the walls of the plastic injection molding service should be of the perfect measurement and dimension. In order to have the best and perfect size, the thickness must range from .04 -.150 for most resins.
The radius of the plastic injection molding service should be perfect because if there are sharp corners or angles in the plastic injection molding service it can make the flow of the liquid abrupt. There can be the cavities that can hamper the flawlessness of the liquid material and it can be bad for wrapping up the instability of the dimensions. The radius should be of uniform thickness and it should incorporate the design elements of the materials to be flown within the cavity.
The location of the gate of the plastic injection molding service should be proper so that the turning inserts for aluminum materials can flow into the mold park without any efforts. There is a gate in each of the plastic injection molding service and with the uniformity of the thickness of the walls which helps in proper cooling of the liquid material. If you don't take care of these steps while considering the plastic injection molding service, there can be many different things like improper exit of the flow of liquid which should be from the gate locator towards the narrow region of the plastic injection molding service.
If the above-mentioned measures are considered in a better way, one can avoid the major mistakes while hiring the plastic injection molding service.
The Cemented Carbide Blog: http://philipjere.mee.nu/
Posted by: leanderfit at
04:01 AM
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